Embrace the Suck: A Shoulder Standin’ Angling Vision Quest of Sorts
Embrace the suck and grow as an angler. A flannel-clad sasquatch dives into fishing failures, vision quests, and why playing it safe means catching less. Resist the middle. Catch more fish.
Captain Asshat
Getting older means grey hairs, bulldog stubbornness, and the gift of laughing at your own ridiculousness. Here's my latest episode of chaos—read on!
Light Switch Learnin’
I went to chase trout eaters and ending up in the hospital questioning everything. My usual blend of dork in this piece, I hope you enjoy.
Lessons From Meth Mountain
I battled rough terrain and flea markety locals in search of trophy fish. I left with a different perspective and much me work to do… ugh!
Poop Sprints with Ole Freckles
I woke up craving my wife's green chili, and somehow ended up penguin sprinting with fogged-up glasses, desperately trying to save my new waders.